I am Pastor Z, and I am here to share and promote a book I have written, The Mountain Worth Climbing. I will share this by using videos from each chapter of the book. I suggest you get a copy of the book from Amazon. This way, you will be able to follow along.

I have been using the book in a Homeless shelter for some time now, and the people say they enjoy what they receive from sharing the book.

I will try to get a video on a chapter a week.

There will be times in your life when you will enter into valleys. The valley represents the low points in your life, where all the hard times are and where all the trouble is.

Everyone who travels down the road of life will enter a valley. We all experience troubles and difficulties. There is no way to avoid it. Jesus tells us in John 16:33 These things I have spoken to you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

In this book, you will discover what it means to trust in Jesus and what He has done for us to make us truly free.

Grab a copy of the book and follow me on a remarkable journey of climbing up The Mountain Worth Climbing.

I designed a Christian 12-step program that goes along with The Mountain Worth Climbing book. It is a study guide called Action For Recovery. The 12-step study guide is designed to help those who are suffering from alcohol or drug addiction or anything that is causing suffering in a person's life.

I will video each step. Please get a copy of the study guide to follow along with me. You can get it from Amazon.